The W.E.B. Du Bois Honor Society
The W.E.B. Du Bois Honor Society, established in 1991, is named for the black scholar, editor, and author of The Souls of Black Folk, who set high standards for educating African-Americans in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The purpose of the W.E.B. Du Bois Honor Society is to honor the memory of the outstanding educator, Dr. W.E.B. Du Bois by promoting the pursuit of academic excellence in all fields of higher education, engaging the community of scholars in service to others, and recognizing the outstanding achievements of the society's members. The Du Bois Society supports, guides, and encourages member involvement in other leadership and honorary organiza-tions at Florida State University. Membership is open to all full-time undergraduate students of sound character who have achieved a 3.3 cumulative GPA at Florida State University, are in the top 20% of his/her class, and have earned at least thirty semester hours at this Univer-sity. Letters of invitation will be sent to eligible students at least once each academic year. Transfer students and seniors will be considered for membership on an individual basis.
Local Web site
National Web site
Advisor: Lisa Jackson,, (850) 644-9699
Omicron Delta Kappa
Omicron Delta Kappa is the national leadership honor society for faculty and students. The society was founded in 1914 and came to The Florida State University in 1950. The society recognizes achievement in scholarship; athletics; social, service, and religious activities; campus government; journalism, speech, and mass media; and creative and performing arts. Annual activities include the homecoming breakfast honoring outstanding Florida State University Grads Made Good; faculty/staff spring mixer; and the 7:50 A.M. Breakfast Club, where faculty, staff and alumni meet with current ODK students to discuss campus issues. The Florida State University circle has been named a "Circle of Distinction." Applications are sought twice a year, and members are chosen on the basis of scholarship (upper third [33%] of junior, senior, or graduate class), leadership, and service.
Advisors: Bridgid Shannon (850) 645-8782
Erin Sylvester,, (850) 645-7290
Mortar Board
Mortar Board is a national honor society that recognizes students for distinguished achievement in scholarship, leadership and service. The national organization was founded in 1918 and the Florida State University Torchbearer chapter in 1931. Each year Mortar Board sponsors and participates in events to provide service (e.g., Reading is Leading and St. Baldricks), advance the spirit of scholarship, and facilitate cooperation among honor societies. Every fall and spring, students with a minimum of 60 hours (24 of which must be earned at FSU) and an FSU GPA of 3.25 GPA or a ranking in the top 25th percentile of their class (whichever is higher) in their respective colleges are invited to apply for membership. Mortar Board members are not only recognized as the top scholars and leaders on campus, but are presented with the unique opportunity to join a group of students from vastly different disciplines and interests Nationally, Mortar Board provides career networking, fellowships, and awards.
Advisors: Joshua Morgan,
Garnet Key Honor Society
Garnet Key Honor Society of the Panama City campus, founded in 1986, recognizes students primarily for service and scholarship, but also for spirit and leadership. Activities are generally service projects and functions for the Panama City campus. Applicants must have completed twelve (12) semester hours at that campus with a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
The Hispanic Honor Society
The Hispanic Honor Society was formed in the fall term of 1992 to recognize the academic excellence of Hispanic/Latino students and students seeking to learn about Hispanic/Latin culture in all fields of study. Membership into the society shall be granted to those sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students who have attained a 3.3 GPA or above, and who have fulfilled the required service projects. The society is a scholastic/leadership society.
Advisor: Dr. Robinson Herrera,, (850)644-9538
Garnet and Gold Key
Garnet and Gold Key, founded in 1924, is the oldest leadership honorary society on the Florida State University campus. The society was formed to recognize the spirit of service, leadership, and loyalty. The society's annual activities now include Torch Night, which recognizes the top 100 incoming freshmen, and the conferral of The Ross Oglesby Award, given to one outstanding faculty member who has dedicated 10 years of service to the University, its students, and various community service projects. Juniors and seniors are able to apply twice a year for membership. Membership is granted on the basis of outstanding academic achievement and a diversified leadership experience.
Advisor: Craig Filar,, (850) 644-7596