Tau Beta Pi
This Engineering Honor Society was founded in 1885 at Lehigh University and is the oldest Engineering Honor society in the United States. The society was founded "to mark in a fitting manner those who have conferred honor upon their alma mater by distinguished scholarship and exemplary character as undergraduates in the field of engineering". The society now exceeds 230 active chapters across the country. The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering chapter of Tau Beta Pi, Florida Eta, was founded on February 29th, 1992. New members are selected based on scholarship (upper one-fifth of engineering seniors and upper one-eighth of engineering juniors), character, and integrity.
Website: https://www.tbp.org/recruit/recruitHome.cfm
Contact: Dr. Sean Martin or taubetapi.floridaeta@gmail.com
The Civil Engineering Honor Society (Chi Epsilon)
An organization dedicated to recognizing and promoting academic excellence within the civil engineering major. While in the process for recognition as a chapter of Chi Epsilon, the national civil engineering honor program, CEHS provides service opportunities such as tutoring, event help at the College of Engineering, and social activities. CEHS also gives top civil engineering students an exclusive means to serve other students, the College of Engineering, and Tallahassee at large. Potential members are selected from the upper one-third of civil engineering juniors and seniors.
National Website: https://www.chi-epsilon.org/
Local Website: https://eng.famu.fsu.edu/student-org/cehs
Contact: Dr. Tripp Weston, wrw22a@fsu.edu
Pi Tau Sigma (Mechanical Engineering)
The international mechanical engineering honor society was founded in 1915 at the University of Illinois. The society recognizes students who show sound engineering ability, high scholarship (upper thirty-five percent of juniors and upper 25% of seniors), personality, and probable future success in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The FAMU-FSU College of Engineering chapter, Alpha Iota, was founded April 16th, 1994. The Alpha Iota chapter supports the Mechanical Engineering department through community outreach, undergraduate mentoring, tutoring, and social activities.
Website: https://pitausigma.org/
Contact: Dr. Dorr Campbell, dcampbell@eng.famu.fsu.edu
IEEE-HKN (Electrical & Computer Engineering)
The international honor society for electrical and computer engineering, grew from the national honor society Eta Kappa Nu (HKN), that was founded at the University of Illinois. On April 9th, 2009, the Lambda Delta Chapter of Eta Kappa Nu was chartered at the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering. Student members are selected based on scholarship, character, and attitude. New members must be in the upper one-third of electrical and computer engineering seniors or upper one-fourth of electrical and computer engineering juniors.
Contact: Dr. Bruce Harvey or ieee.famufsu@gmail.com
Alpha Pi Mu (Industrial Engineering)
This industrial engineering honor society was founded in 1949 and chartered at FSU in 1995. The society confers recognition upon students of industrial and manufacturing engineering who have shown exceptional academic interest and abilities in their field, encourages the advancement and quality of industrial and manufacturing engineering education, and unifies the student body of the Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department in presenting its needs and ideals to the faculty. Candidates are selected from outstanding members of junior, senior and graduate classes in industrial engineering. New members must be in the upper one-third for the senior industrial engineering students or in the upper one-fifth of the junior industrial engineering students.
Website: https://www.alphapimu.com/
Contact: Dr. Lichun Li, lichunli@eng.famu.fsu.edu