Phi Alpha Honor Society
Phi Alpha fosters high standards of achievement for students and promotes humanitarian ideals through community service. Applications are taken twice a year. To be considered for Phi Alpha membership, an undergraduate or graduate social work student must declare Social Work as their major, have completed at least nine (9) credit hours in Social Work courses, and their GPA must be in the top 35% of all social work majors in their rank (bachelors or masters). The faculty advisor calculates the top 35% by a university report and notifies all eligible students.
Contact: Michael Robinson,
Sigma Phi Omega (Gerentology)
The national academic honor and professional society in Gerontology. Sigma Phi Omega was established to recognize excellence of those who study Gerontology and aging and the outstanding service of professionals who work with or on behalf of older persons. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students who are majoring or minoring in Gerontology/aging studies and related fields, and who are in at least their second term of enrollment. Undergraduates must have a grade point average of at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale, and graduate students must have at least a 3.5 GPA to be eligible for membership. Faculty, alumni, professional, and honorary memberships are also available.