Department of Biological Sciences: Beta Beta Beta
A national honorary and professional fraternity dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biology students and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Tri-Beta promotes undergraduate research in biology by publishing its undergraduate-only journal, Bios; holding meetings at which undergraduate research papers are presented in the style of graduate meetings; and awarding competitive research stipends to support undergraduate research and publication. New members (any major) are invited twice a year to join the Sigma Tau Chapter at FSU. To qualify, new members must have completed three courses in Biological Science and maintain a science GPA of 3.0. For additional information,
Contact: Dr. Debra Ann Fadool,
Department of Classical Languages, Literature and Civilization: Eta Sigma Phi
Founded in 1924 to promote the study and appreciation of classical languages and literature. The University chapter, organized in 1926, is the oldest active chapter in the United States. The chapter arranges lectures, poetry readings, movies, translation contests in Greek and Latin, and tours. New members are invited twice a year, based on a B- average or above in Greek and Latin courses.
Contact: Dr. James Sickinger,
Department of Computer Science: Upsilon Pi Epsilon
The honor society for the computing sciences. The society is student-run and works closely with the local student chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). Both undergraduate computer science majors and graduate students in computer science are eligible for election to membership. For full details on the current UPE membership requirements, please see
Contact: TBD
Department of English: Sigma Tau Delta
A literary honor society. The society is open to majors and minors in English and Modern Languages and Linguistics who have completed sixty (60) semester hours or more with GPAs of 3.0 and higher. The society is student-run, and activities change with student interests. Recent activities have included book sales, forums on applying to graduate and law schools, marathon readings of favorite texts, and an annual poetry contest for Leon County middle schools. Interested students should submit an initiation paper and fee to the Director of Undergraduate Studies in English.
Department of History: Phi Alpha Theta
Boasting the fourth chapter in the nation (founded in 1926) of Phi Alpha Theta, an honor and professional society dedicated to promoting the study of history. The chapter sponsors speakers, seminars, and publications. Students, who need not be history majors, may apply for membership twice a year. Undergraduates need twelve (12) semester hours in history with a 3.2 GPA and a 3.0 overall GPA. Graduate students need twelve (12) semester hours in history and a 3.5 overall GPA.
Contact: Dr. Michael Creswell,
Department of Mathematics: Pi Mu Epsilon
The Society was founded nationally in 1914 and at Florida State University in 1956. Members are selected based on national standards for mathematics credits GPA, and overall GPA. Both undergraduate and graduate students are admitted. These exemplary students also participate in mathematics competitions and the department's three student organizations, The Society of Undergraduate Mathematics Students, The Florida State Student Actuarial Society, and the student-led Graduate Student Seminar.
National Website:
Local Website:
Contact: or Dr. Tom Needham,
Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences: Chi Epsilon Pi
The honor society for outstanding students in meteorology. The Florida State University chapter has existed since 1966. To be eligible for membership, graduate students must have nine (9) semester hours of approved graduate-level EOAS courses while in graduate status, a 3.5 GPA in all meteorology coursework, and an overall GPA of 3.25 or greater. Undergraduate students are eligible upon completion of at least seventeen (17) graded semester hours of meteorology coursework at the 2000 level or higher and must have a 3.5 GPA in meteorology coursework, a 3.25 or greater GPA overall from the period starting with the first semester as a junior and ending with the last complete semester, and at least one year in the Meteorology Program. Other criteria exist for non-degree-seeking students. Students are inducted each Spring.
Contact: Dr. Jeffery Chagnon,
The Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics:
French: Pi Delta Phi
The society had long been established at Florida State University and inducts major and minor students on the undergraduate and graduate levels. Prospective undergraduate members must have an overall GPA of 3.0 and in French classes, with at least one French class on the 3000 level. Graduate students must have a 3.0 GPA in French as well an overall GPA of 3.0 and must have completed one semester of graduate work in French.
Contact: Dr. V. Osborn,
German: Delta Phi Alpha
The national honor society for students of German. The chapter at Florida State University, organized in 1979, is Iota Eta. The minimum requirements include a 3.5 GPA in German and a 3.0 overall GPA, and at least three German courses above the language requirement; students may be enrolled in the third course at the time of application. One of the 3000-level courses may have the GET prefix (film or literature).
Contact: Dr. Christian Weber,
Italian: Gamma Kappa Alpha
Gamma Kappa Alpha was organized in 1983; the University chapter followed in 1984. Each Spring, students apply or are invited to apply. Membership is open to major and minor students who have completed at least three courses in Italian, one of which must be at the 3000 level, with a minimum 3.0 GPA overall and 3.2 in Italian.
Local Website:
Contact: Dr. I. Zanini-Cordi,
Slavic (including Russian): Dobro Slovo
Dobro Slovo was founded in 1926; the University has had a chapter since 1972. Each Spring, students apply or are invited, based on two years of study of Slavic languages and related subjects with a 3.25 average GPA and an overall average of 3.0 GPA.
Contact: Dr. L. Wakamiya,
Spanish: Sigma Delta Pi
The honor society is for students of Spanish and has been a chapter at Florida State University since 1935. Sigma Delta Pi offers students competitive opportunities to study abroad. Students are initiated once a year. Undergraduates must have a 3.2 GPA in Spanish and must rank in the top thirty-five percent (35%) of their class. Graduate students are also eligible. New members may apply annually.
Local Website:
Contact: Dr. Alejandra Gutierrez,
Department of Physics: Sigma Pi Sigma
The organization was founded in 1921, and the University Chapter was organized in 1954. New members are inducted once a year, chosen from among majors in the Department of Physics. To qualify, juniors must have completed a minimum of seven graded PHY, PHZ, and AST courses with a GPA of at least 3.5 in those courses. Qualifying seniors will have completed a minimum of 12 graded PHY, PHZ, and AST courses with a minimum GPA of 3.25 in those courses.
Contact: Dr. Cyprian Lewandowski,
Department of Psychology: Psi Chi
A national honor society founded in 1929. The University chapter, in existence since 1959, concentrates on three goals: a) providing high-impact service opportunities for members that allow them to gain career-relevant experience while serving the community; b) connecting members to the professional knowledge and advice of Psychology faculty, graduate students, alumni, and other members; and c) providing opportunities for the campus community to be exposed to the knowledge of our science. Students may apply for membership twice a year. Psychology majors or minors must have completed twelve semester hours of psychology with a minimum 3.2 overall GPA and a 3.2 psychology GPA. For information, visit
Local Website: