Anne's College of Education, Health & Human Sciences

Kappa Delta Pi (Education)

Kappa Delta Pi has had a chapter at Florida State University since 1925. Students are invited twice a year or may apply. They must have twelve (12) semester hours of professional education courses. Undergraduates must have a "B" in all college work and graduates a "B+." A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required for initiation. 

Contact: TBD

Kappa Omicron Nu (Human Sciences)

It was established in 1990 with the consolidation of Kappa Omicron Phi and Omicron Nu. Omicron Nu was established at the University in 1922. The local chapter is the Omicron Pi Chapter. Kappa Omicron Nu recognizes and encourages excellence in scholarship, research, and leadership. Undergraduates must have sixty (60) semester hours (at least fifteen [15] of which were completed at The Florida State University within the College of Human Sciences) with a minimum 3.3 GPA. Graduate students must have twelve (12) semester hours that were completed at Florida State University in a major within Human Sciences with a minimum FSU GPA of 3.5. New members are initiated at least once a year.


The Glenn Society (Human Sciences)

The Society was established in 2004 and named in honor of Hortense Glenn, who served as Dean of the College of Human Sciences from 1958 to 1972. The purpose of this honor society is to recognize students who have exhibited outstanding leadership and service while maintaining a high level of academic achievement. Each year no more than one percent of the student body of the College of Human Sciences is selected for membership. Undergraduate students are required to have completed ninety or more semester hours (at least thirty hours at Florida State University and twenty since declaring a major in the College of Human Sciences), a minimum FSU GPA of 3.3 and evidence of leadership and service. Graduate students at the MS level must have completed at least two semesters of coursework as a major in the college, and PhD students are required to have completed at least four semesters in the college. For graduate students, a minimum FSU GPA of 3.8 is required in addition to evidence of leadership and service. New members are inducted once per year, in the Spring semester.

Iota Tau Alpha (Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences)

An honorary society under the Department of Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences. It was established in 2004 at Troy University, and the Alpha Chi chapter, now the largest in the nation, was organized at Florida State University in 2009. The objective of Iota Tau Alpha is to foster a high standard of ethics and professional practices and to create a spirit of loyalty and fellowship, specifically for those students in Athletic Training. To be considered for membership undergraduate students must be in the major of Athletic Training, have completed at least one term of their second year of a four-year curriculum, have completed at least three term courses in Athletic Training with an average grade of "B" or better, and be in good academic standing—with at least a 3.5 cumulative college GPA or in the top 35% of their class. The Alpha Chi chapter also uniquely requires that each initiated member participate in at least one research study conducted within the College of Human Sciences. Initiation is held at the beginning of each Spring semester, with 2010 marking the first initiated class at FSU.

Contact: Dr. Angela Sehgal, 

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